After a few recent unsuccessful meals, I was glad to have made something tonight that we both liked. The chicken was very good, baked with paprika, salt, and pepper, and topped with a sauce of dried cherries, red onion, capers, cumin, honey, and hot peppers. It sounds unusual, but the combination of sweet and spicy, sour and salty was actually quite tasty. The gratin, covered in lots of gruyere cheese, was not so well received by Matt, but I loved the rich, creamy texture and slight licorice flavor from the fennel. Both recipes are from my favorite cookbook, Simply Organic (by Jesse Ziff Cool), a fantastic collection organized by seasonal ingredients.
potato & fennel gratin
Matt had a microwaved smore for dessert. Ollie got a marshmallow too, which he chewed on just long enough to swallow it mostly whole.
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