Monday, December 22, 2008

i'm ready!

Alright. It's my first blog post. My plans for Supper Seed are pretty flexible, but will probably include recipes/photos of meals I've made, restaurant photos/reviews, music I like, thrifting finds, and random musings.

I'll start with my birthday, which was on Saturday. I had a lovely day, starting with a gift from Matt, a beautiful box chain with a neat vintage whistle pendant. I guess more is coming in the mail. I have no idea what it could be, but I'm excited.

That evening, we braved thick snow to travel to Madison for dinner. We went to True Food at La Brioche bakery. The food was a bit underwhelming, but that's another post.

me with whistle necklace and Popeye arms??

Matt being antsy and therefore blurry/arty

Tomorrow we head to my parents' in Hudson for Christmas. Happy holidays!

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